University impact
University impact
To raise awareness of the University of Exeter's sustainable investments and how they can be improved compared to other universities.
As students become more interested in making sustainable investments, they may be curious about how their university is in its effort to become more financially sustainable. The university has a responsibility to lead by example and demonstrate to students how to embrace a sustainable lifestyle that aligns with environmental values. Various organisations attempt to rank university sustainability; an example is the People and the Planet website, which has a league table displayed on its website in the style of how well universities do in a degree award system. From the report, Cardiff Metropolitan ranks first in the ranking, while Exeter is ranked sixth out of 154 universities. The graph below shows how the university ranks under the subheading of ethical investment and banking.
University's policy
The University of Exeter is always looking to improve its chance in achieving the carbon net zero movement. In fact recently the university has invested in a new 'AI for net Zero.' This will unleash innovative technologies to facilitate vital decision-making concerning land use and optimal development of woodlands and forests.
In 2020/2021 report findings consist of a 5% commitment in policy to screen out fossil fuel investments. Whereas, in 2022/2023 report there was seven-time increased commitment noted by the University of Exeter to screen out fossil fuel investments. This is a promising start towards the carbon net zero movement. As well as having a policy that is more reliant on renewable energy sources.
Data suggest the Cardiff Metropolitan University scored full marks for screening out fossil fuel investments, investments in arms companies and border industry companies.
University of Exeter scored 5/35% for its commitment in policy to screen out fossil fuel investments:
There seems to be no ethical banking policy mentioned on the University of Exeter's website, as shown in the 2020/2021 report. Similarly, in the 2022/2023 report there has been no recorded improvement on the People and Planet website. This potentially shows a lack of awareness to create a policy regarding sustainable finance.
Meanwhile, Cardiff Metropolitan university scored full marks for their ethical banking policy, due to the Ethical Investment Policy on their website with appropriate contact details.
University of Exeter scored 0/5% for its ethical banking policy
The University of Exeter has been recognised to publicise annual investment policies online as proven in both reports in 2020/2021 and 2022/2023. This provides students with the ability to actively research how businesses such as Exeter University are planning to keep to the carbon net zero promise.
University of Exeter scored 1/1% for having an easily accessible and public annual list of investments.
According to University of Exeter's website there seems to be no policy commiting to screen out investments in arms companies such as United States Air force (USAF), or border industry companies as the university has scored 0/10% and 0/5% respectively according to data. It seems that Exeter University is accepting $5,063,796 from UCAF and other partners for an electromagnetic research project as data has shown . This may be alarming and may be the reason for a lower score of 63% in the Ethical investment and banking sector reported in 2022/2023. However, this is a higher score than the previous year of 28% in ethical investment and banking so the university may be actively proposing action plans to become more financially sustainable to the environment.
Cardiff Metropolitan university actively does not accept any grants from armed forces which may lend itself as to why it scored 94% in the ethical investment and banking sector.
University of Exeter scored 0/10% for its commitment in policy to screen out investments in arms companies
In 2022, Cardiff Met became the first university in the UK to pledge to screen out and divest from companies that engage in, have ties to or profit from border violence. The University of Exeter has not yet made a similar pledge or announced any plans to do so. As a result, the University of Exeter received 0/5 points in this category
In April 2023, a petition was published for the University of Exeter to divest in border industry companies within the next 3 years. This shows that there is student interest and support for the University to adopt a more sustainable policy specifically in regards to border industry firms. So far the campaign has 234 signatures to prove urgency from students to the university to break ties with border industry companies.
2c University of Exeter scored 0/5% for its commitment in policy to screen out border industry companies
Exeter University's role